this site was created to bring together breeders and sellers of irish cobs and people looking for such a horse. However you like to call your cob - gypsy cob, irish cob, irish tinker - this is the platform to present your horse for potential new owners and on the other side, to find your dream horse. All irish cob type horses and ponies, as well as partbreds, can be shown here. As a seller you can be a breeder, a dealer or a private person. In this beta version there are 4 categories: Foals 2024, mares&fillies, stallions&colts and geldings. We will see, if there will be need for more spesific categorizing in the future. Wanted ads are also allowed.
If you want to present your horse on this site, please download the selling form and send it filled back with the photos per mail. The form is a simple text dokument which you also can copy in your e-mail text if that is easier for you. Please note:
Wanted ads
If you want to have a wanted ad online, you are welcomed to do this. Please note: